Marsden Hartley, Maine Landscape 1910

marsden hartley art

I really dig this Maine Landscape painting by Marsden Hartley. He did it in 1910, but it seems very modern to me.

When Marsden moved to New York City in 1899 to study and to paint, he would make regular trips to Maine each summer. The landscape, colors, and people of Maine remained elemental to Hartley’s visual vocabulary as he matured artistically.

Maine’s dramatic change of seasons led Hartley to make landscapes in series, sustained meditations on the passage of time and the inherent tension between temporality and permanence. His paintings of the tempestuous coastlines are imbued with pain, loss, and alienation, themes that course through his life as they give power to his art. Maine’s lumberjacks and loggers appear in both the early and the late work. He also drew farmers and formidable New England spinsters early in his career, and to this collection of traditional types he added fishermen and hunters when he returned to Maine in his final years. Hartley’s protagonists are embodiments of the rugged terrain, stalwart expressions of a rough and precarious existence.

#art, #artist, #marsdenhartley, #impressionism, #modernart, #mainelandscape, #artlife, #inspiration

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