August 2, 2019

What I’m looking at: Klee’s Metamorphose, 1955
Gouache on cardboard

I found this piece at the Dublin City Gallery by Paul Klee [I wasn’t actually IN the gallery…i have a book about them].

I feel a little funny saying that the reason I like it so much is that it’s on cardboard!

Just a simple sketch with gouache on CARDBOARD!

And it’s in a famous gallery! Granted, a simple painting by Klee on cardboard is much more valuable than possibly any artist living today, but still.

You don’t necessarily need expensive supplies. Use what you’ve got.

Here’s another. Upward by Kandinsky was also done on cardboard

Upward, Wassily Kandinsky, 1928
Oil on Cardboard

#art, #abstractart, #artist, #arthistory, #cardboard, #creative, #kandinsky, #klee

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